DP — Selection Procedure

Conditions and criteria of The Selection Procedure for the IB Diploma programme at Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice for the school year 2024/2025

On the basis of the consent of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic No. 2023/7146:4-C2902, we are opening one class at the Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice, with the number of pupils 22 studying in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

Application Form

  1. A pupil who has completed the 2nd or 3rd year of study course 7902J with a four-year education programme, the sixth or seventh year of study course 7902J with an eight-year education programme or the 3rd or 4th year of study course 7902J74 with English as the language of instruction may apply for The Transfer Examination.
  2. You can find the Application Form here →

Dates of The Selection Procedure

  1. The deadline for delivery of the application form by the pupil’s legal representatives/an adult pupil to the Director of the Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice is 31-st May 2024.
  2. The transfer examination for the IB DP at Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice will take place on 5-th June 2024 in the building of the Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1, Košice.

Conditions, process and criteria for the selection process for the 1st year of the Diploma Programme (DP) for pupils of secondary schools with a national curriculum:

    The transfer examination consists of a written and an oral part.

  1. The written part of the transfer examination consists of:
    1. a test from Mathematics,
    2. a test from English language,
    3. an English language essay of 500 words.
    1. The maximum number of points that a candidate may obtain for the written part of the selection procedure is 150 points as follows:
      1. 50 points for a test from Mathematics,
      2. 50 points for an English language test,
      3. 50 points for an English language essay.
  2. The oral part of the transfer examination consists of an interview.
    The main purpose of the interview is to assess a candidate’s potential to succeed not only in their chosen subjects, but also in the core components of CAS (Creativity-Activity-Service), TOK (Theory of knowledge) and EE (Extended Essay).
    1. The maximum number of points that a candidate may obtain for the oral part of the transfer examination is 150 points.
  3. The maximum number of points that a candidate may obtain in the selection procedure is 300 points.
  4. The overall ranking of the candidates will be determined on the basis of the total points obtained in the selection procedure.

Conditions of admission by transfer to the Diploma Programme (DP) for students from international schools or schools from abroad:

  1. Students will be admitted by transfer when the following conditions have been met:
    1. sending a motivation letter of up to 500 words,
    2. a recommendation from the secondary school attended,
    3. reports from the secondary school attended.

Publication of the results of the selection procedure

  1. The results of the selection process will be published on the school website in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The expected date of publication of the results is 10-th June 2024.

Mgr. PaedDr. Zlatica Frankovičová,
School Director